- Get clothes ready the day before. Shoes, socks, shorts, undies, t-shirt are right there in a neat stack by my bedroom door. I started putting them in a vintage hat box, because of Jazzmine. Typically curious cat that she is, she is wont to relocate a shoe or sock, or use the clothes as her napping spot. The hatbox solves that and looks more aesthetic as well.
- Fold laundry in workout sets. When I do laundry, I fold my work out clothes in similar stacks then put them in the drawer. The following day as I toss the dirty clothes into the hamper, I simply put out a new stack in the hatbox.
- Put other essentials by the door. Keys (of course), a small pad w/pen (seems I always get great ideas while walking and a tablet comes in handy), my iPhone to take pix of things that strike my fancy and for safety should I need help (never know), and a hat (baseball in good weather, boggan in winter). Hats are necessary (keeps the sun out of your eyes, and bird poop out of your hair).
Now that I work from home, I still walk early (5 or 6a.m.). There are a variety of reasons for this, two of which have to do with living urban.
- The air is fresher early in the morning before the morning commute picks up.
- The distant surf of cars has not risen so loud that it drowns out the sounds of nature.
- The early walk raises my metabolism and primes my me and my body for the rest of the day.