Day 14 of NaNoWriMo Wordcount 17,100/ NaBloPoMo (14 for 14)
Today I’m back on track to catching up. 3500 words written by 2 pm. Blog written and
scheduled to post around 7 p.m. tonight.
I’m shifting gears the rest of day to work on a queries for a Children’s book I’ve been working on. I just got a fresh list of Agents from Writer’s Digest and I’m excited by how many listings there were looking for a new picture book.
I think I have a unique Niche for this book. I so hope I’m right.
Query letters are a real pain, so I’ll draft and redraft today, but it won’t go out until tomorrow or even Monday. I’ve found that I need to let letters and other writing rest a day or two, print it out and look at it with fresh eyes and a red editing pen just as if it were a paying editing job.
Gotta Stop by 4 to get ready to leave by 5 for PepperPlace Annual open house tonight. Fun party and can’t miss stopping by Frontera as well.
Manana y’all.
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