Day 18 of Blogging from A to Z. Today’s
letter is R
R is for the
Rock of Ritual & Rote
rote of ritual
bottom can become our
© Perle
would add to those a few of my favorites – I’m sure you have more:
- Taking my early morning walk, rain, shine or snow, sans the distraction of headgear, so I can listen to my own thoughts and the sounds of nature around me.
- Writing stream-of-consciousness by hand in my journal on my return, before the noise of the day intrudes and crowds out my own internal voice.
- Preparing food for the day whether breakfast, lunch or dinner. The cracking of an egg, butter on toast; the simple act of dicing carrots, celery, pickles for a tuna salad; julienning vegetables for a stir fry. All these rote preparations have a Zen affect when we pay attention.
- Lighting candles on my small home altar.
- Stroking my cat’s soft fur and relishing her soft purr as we settle on the couch with a good book and a glass of Pinot Noir.
- Writing
in my gratitude journal a list of at least 5 things I am grateful for before
turning out the lights at night.
we stop and pay attention to the small rote rituals of our day they can be that
rock that anchors us after an otherwise stormy day.
are some of yours?
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