James hated it when they argued. He'd just turn the volume up on one his dad’s old viewer as he watched Sam Cade, Detective for Hire for the hundredth time. He’d pretend he was Sam Cade - super detective. “Yes, some day. Well, Sam Cade started in law enforcement, and then went private. And all the women fall for him and the regular law enforcers envy him. Yea, that's what I'll do. First, I'll follow Dad’s path, but I won't settle for just that; no sir, not me. I'll get all the training I can get from the pros and then I'll do what Sam Cade did. James Harden, private detective. Well, maybe I can change my name. James seems so, so ordinary.”
He remembered when he and his Dad used to talk long into the night on their weekly hike up into the mountains. He told James his fears and his aspirations, "I know that no matter what happens I've lived a good life. Boy, that's all that's truly important. Whatever you do in life, do it because you really want to, and do it really well. If you marry, marry for love and because of things and in spite of things. Your mom's a good woman and when she met me, I was in law enforcement and she hated it. But I loved her in spite of that and she me too. Do you understand? I mean, you can talk yourself out of a lot of things just because you're afraid. Don't let fear ever stand in the way of doing what you love and loving people who may not love all the things you do.”
James wished he had written it all down, now. But sometimes, he lay back on a dark night on the side of a trail and let his mind drift back to those times and he could hear the distant voice echoed in his ear. "Follow your dreams, boy. Only a fool is never afraid, and only a coward lets fear stand in the way of what's right for him."
James thought. Thanks Dad, I’ll make you proud. I’m doing it Dad. I’ll be the youngest detective ever on the force.
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