Friday, September 3, 2010

Summer's ending. Did You Finish Your Bucket List?

Walk barefoot in the grass
Smell every flower you passed
Walk in the rain
Catch raindrops on your tongue
Jump in every puddle you saw
Run through sprinklers
Go to the children’s playground
Swing on the swings
Go down the slide
Sing in the shower
Sing in the car
Sing in the rain
Sing loud
Dance to the radio
Dance with your husband/friend
Dance by yourself
Dance in the rain
Smile for no reason
Give your full attention to a sunrise
Give your full attention to a sunset
Go on a picnic at the beach, the park or in the back yard
Read aloud to another, let them read to you
Go to an amusement park and ride all the thrill rides
Go fishing.
Sit outside and sip iced tea.
Catch fireflies the let them go
Take pictures of everything
Walk through the Botanical Gardens
Join FaceBook and share your thoughts and pictures
Eat watermelon outside, and let the juice run all over the place!
Bite into a ripe tomato fresh from the vine
Paint your toenails.
Paint a picture of what summer means to you.
Lay under a tree and watch the wind in the branches
Climb the tree
Watch clouds
Watch stars
Write a letter to an old friend
Keep a gratitude journal
Keep a sanity journal
Keep a journal

© Perle Champion

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