Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Looking for a Little Action in Birmingham, Alabama

The mad dash is over. Christmas dinner successfully served to rave reviews. Presents opened to oooohs and ahhhhhs, and a few gee thanks (these will be returned).

Being from Atlanta, one guest wonders aloud, “now what – what is there to do in Birmingham?” Bear in mind, when he is in Atlanta, the most he ever does is go out to eat. This I know from his wife, but I take the question at face value and hand him two of our free publications: Black & White and Birmingham Weekly. There are pages of listings for the entertainment at night clubs, restaurants, free wine tastings, art galleries, the Birmingham Museum of Art (the largest museum in the SE), etc. Yes, I tell him our museum is larger than Atlanta’s, and it’s free. There’s a donation box at the door, but it is optional. But there are other museums for Jazz, MotorSports, Flight, Civil Rights and more.

I’m never bored in Birmingham, but then, I consider boredom a choice. In a world so used to constant input, a moment with nothing to fill it but ones own thoughts is pretty daunting for some. I understand that he needs to fill the time, and so I gave him the papers and a red pen to circle things and offered directions to any place he and his wife cared to go.

Personally, I look forward to being home, alone on the porch swing, patting cat, watching the day unfold beneath my window and hearing myself think. Later, I'll put on Nora Jones and curl up on the couch with Hanson's True History of the Spanish Armada courtesy of Birmingham's amazing Public Library system.

Perle Champion, is a writer, artist and photographer.

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