Monday, April 23, 2012

T is for Tease, Taunt, Terrorize.

Day 23 of Blogging from A to Z.  Today's letter is T.

T is for Tease, Taunt, Terrorize.
Just a few T words that all mean one thing - Bullying.

The bully's excuse, "I was just teasing",  is not longer acceptable.  It never was although school, parents, and students, society in general let it slide. 

They all turned a blind eye.  No more.  Recognize it when you see it.  Take a stand, a loud vocal stand, against it.  Report it. 

Teasing begets taunting begets terrorizing. 

1 comment:

Sharkbytes said...

teasing is from friends. When it comes from enemies it becomes taunting. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs in April. My alphabet is at